Restaurants Near the Fashion Center in Paramus

22 Tiptop-Rated Tourist Attractions & Things to Practise in Istanbul

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Coveted by empires across the centuries, straddling both Europe and Asia, Istanbul is one of the earth's great metropolises.

Founded around 1000 BC, the colony of Byzantium grew into the Byzantine Empire'due south great capital of Constantinople and later the Ottoman conquest of the city, retained its glorious place as the heart of their empire.

The city (officially renamed Istanbul after the founding of the Turkish Republic) is liberally scattered with glorious remnants of its long and illustrious history, and the tourist attractions here volition print even the most monument-weary company.

Also as the big 4 (the Hagia Sophia Mosque, Topkapı Palace, the Blueish Mosque and Grand Bazaar), leave enough time to explore the other sights.

Although many of the most popular and best places to visit are located in, or near, the old city district of Sultanahmet, there is a dazzling array of other things to exercise throughout the further reaches of the urban center.

Program your trip with our list of the top attractions and things to practice in Istanbul.

See besides: Where to Stay in Istanbul

Notation: Some businesses may exist temporarily airtight due to recent global health and safety issues.

1. Admire the Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya) Mosque

Aya Sofya
Aya Sofya

It's said that when the Byzantine Emperor Justinian entered his finished church for the first time in CE 536, he cried out "Glory to God that I have been judged worthy of such a work. Oh Solomon, I accept outdone you!"

The Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya in Turkish) was the emperor's swaggering statement to the globe of the wealth and technical ability of his empire.

Tradition maintained that the expanse surrounding the emperor's throne within the church was the official heart of the world.

Through its conversion to a mosque, afterwards the Ottoman armies conquered Constantinople, to its further conversion into a museum in the 20th century and its reconversion back into a working mosque in 2020, the Hagia Sophia has remained i of Istanbul'south most cherished landmarks.

Accost: Aya Sofya Meydanı, Sultanahmet

Official site:

  • Read More than: Exploring Aya Sofya (Hagia Sophia): A Visitor's Guide

2. Explore Topkapı Palace (Topkapı Sarayı)

Topkapi Palace (Topkapi Sarayi)
Topkapi Palace (Topkapi Sarayi)

Get-go built past Mehmet the Conquistador in the 15th century, this glorious palace beside the Bosphorus was where the sultans of the Ottoman Empire lived and ruled from.

The vast complex is a dazzling display of Islamic art, with opulent courtyards lined with intricate manus-painted tilework, linking a warren of sumptuously decorated rooms, all bounded by battlemented walls and towers.

Of the many highlights hither, the most pop are the Harem complex (where the sultan's many concubines and children would spend their days); the Second Court, where y'all can walk through the vast palace kitchens and stand up in awe at the dazzling interior of the Imperial Council Bedroom; and the Third Courtroom, which contained the sultan's private rooms.

The Third Courtroom also displays an impressive collection of relics of the Prophet Muhammad in the Sacred Safekeeping Room and is home to the Imperial Treasury, where you're greeted with a cache of glittering gold objects and precious gems that will make your optics water.

To fully see Topkapı Palace, yous'll demand at least one-half a twenty-four hours.

Address: Babihümayun Caddesi, Gülhane Park

Official site:

Istanbul - Canon Gate Palace - Floor plan map
Istanbul - Catechism Gate Palace Map (Historical)
Istanbul - Harem in Topkapi Sarayi - Floor plan map
Istanbul - Harem in Topkapi Sarayi Map (Historical)

3. Visit the Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Cami)

Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Camii)
Bluish Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Camii)

Sultan Ahmet I's grand architectural gift to his capital was this cute mosque, ordinarily known as the Blue Mosque today.

Congenital between 1609 and 1616, the mosque caused a furore throughout the Muslim globe when information technology was finished, as it had vi minarets (the same number equally the Great Mosque of Mecca). A seventh minaret was eventually gifted to Mecca to stem the dissent.

The mosque gets its nickname from its interior decoration of tens of thousands of Iznik tiles.

The unabridged spatial and color effect of the interior makes the mosque one of the finest achievements of Ottoman architecture.

Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Camii)
Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Camii)

A great sightseeing joy of a trip to Istanbul is wandering among the gardens sandwiched between the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia to experience their dueling domes in twin glory.

Come at sunset for actress ambience, equally the telephone call to prayer echoes out.

Directly behind the Blue Mosque is the Arasta Bazaar; a great place for a shopping terminate equally the handicraft shops here sell high-quality souvenirs.

Even if you're not interested in a browse, head here to run into the Great Palace Mosaic Museum, which is tucked between the Arasta Boutique and the mosque.

This small museum displays the 250-square-meter fragment of mosaic pavement that was unearthed in the 1950s here. Excellent information panels explain the mosaic floor'due south recovery and subsequent rescue.

Istanbul - Blue Mosque - Floor plan map
Istanbul - Blue Mosque Map (Historical)

4. Head Underground at the Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarnıçı)

Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarniçi)
Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarniçi)

The Basilica Cistern is one of Istanbul's most surprising tourist attractions.

This huge, palace-similar underground hall, supported by 336 columns in 12 rows, in one case stored the imperial h2o supply for the Byzantine emperors.

The projection was begun by Constantine the Great but finished by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century.

Many of the columns used in construction were recycled from before classical structures and feature decorative carvings.

The almost famous of these are the column bases known equally the Medusa stones in the northwest corner with their Medusa caput carvings.

A visit here is very atmospheric with the columns beautifully lit and the soft, steady trickle of water all around you.

Accost: Yerebatan Caddesi, Sultanahmet

Official site:

5. Stroll the Hippodrome


The aboriginal Hippodrome was begun by Septimius Severus in CE 203 and completed by Constantine the Great in CE 330.

This was the middle of Byzantine public life and the scene of splendid games and chariot races simply also factional conflicts.

Today, there isn't much of the Hippodrome left to see, except for a small section of the gallery walls on the southern side, merely the At Meydanı (park), which now stands on the site is abode to a multifariousness of monuments.

On the northwest side is a fountain, presented to the Ottoman sultan by the German language Emperor William II in 1898.

And so, heading southwest are 3 aboriginal monuments: a 20-meter high Egyptian obelisk (from Heliopolis); the Serpent Column brought here from Delphi by Constantine; and a stone obelisk that originally was clad in gilded-covered bronze plating until they were stolen by the soldiers of the quaternary Cause in 1204.

half dozen. Check Out the Drove in Istanbul Archaeology Museum

Istanbul Archaeology Museum
Istanbul Archaeology Museum

Just a hop, skip, and jump away from Topkapı Palace, and easily visited afterwards, this of import museum circuitous brings together an assortment of artifacts from both Turkey and throughout the Middle East, which sweeps through the vast breadth of history of this region.

In that location are three separate sections in the museum complex, each of which are worthy of a visit.

The Museum of the Aboriginal Orient displays a drove focused on the Middle Due east'southward pre-Islamic art and heritage.

The main Archaeology Museum houses statuary and tombs, including the famed sarcophaguses from Sidon, Lebanon that were unearthed past Ottoman builder Osman Hamdi Bey. As well here, you lot'll find the Istanbul through the Ages exhibit room, which helps you visualize the city's vast and epic history.

The museum's 3rd edifice is the Tiled Pavilion, built by Mehmet the Conqueror, which houses a wide range of ceramic art.

Address: Osman Hamdi Bey Yokusu Sokak, Gülhane Park

Official site:

  • Read More than: Exploring Istanbul'south Archaeological Museum: A Visitor's Guide

seven. Shop in the K Bazaar (Kapalı Çarşı)

Grand Bazaar (Kapali Çarsi)
Chiliad Boutique (Kapali Çarsi)

For many visitors, sightseeing in Istanbul is as much virtually shopping as museums and monumental attractions, and the G Bazaar is where anybody comes.

This massive covered market place is basically the world'southward kickoff shopping mall, taking upward a whole urban center quarter, surrounded by thick walls, between the Nuruosmanıye Mosque and Beyazıt Mosque.

The Beyazıt Mosque (built in 1498-1505) itself occupies the site of Theodosius I's Forum and has architecture inspired by the Hagia Sophia.

Entrance to the bazaar is through ane of 11 gates from where a maze of vaulted-ceiling laneways, lined past shops and stalls selling every Turkish souvenir and handicraft you could imagine, cover the expanse.

The diverse trades are however by and large segregated into particular sections, which makes browsing easier.

Near the bazaar's Divanyolu Caddesi entrance is the Burned Cavalcade. This stump (still 40 meters high) of a porphyry cavalcade was set up by Constantine the Great in his forum. Until 1105, it diameter a bronze statue of Constantine.

Address: Divanyolu Caddesi

Read More: Istanbul's Grand Bazaar: Things to Buy & Shopping Tips

8. Adore the Compages of the Süleymaniye Mosque

Süleymaniye Mosque
Süleymaniye Mosque

Sitting high on the hill above Sultanahmet district, the Süleymaniye Mosque is i of the most recognized landmarks of Istanbul.

It was congenital for Sultan Süleyman I (commonly known as Süleyman the Magnificent; reigned 1520-1566) by the famed Ottoman architect, Sinan, who is responsible for many of the feted Ottoman-era monuments in Turkey including the Selimiye Mosque in Edirne.

The Süleymaniye Mosque'southward interior, dominated by its soaring 53-meter-high dome is notable for its harmonious proportions and unity of design.

Exterior in the tranquil garden area is an interesting Ottoman-era cemetery, which is besides home to the türbes (tombs) of the Sultan Süleyman and his married woman Haseki Hürrem Sultan (often commonly known outside of Turkey as Roxelana).

Address: Professor Sıdık Sami Onar Caddesi

Kulliye - Mosque of Suleyman the Magnificent - Floor plan map
Kulliye - Mosque of Suleyman the Magnificent Map (Historical)

ix. Sample Turkish Produce in the Spice Bazaar (Mısır Çarşısı)

Spice Bazaar (Misir Çarsisi)
Spice Bazaar (Misir Çarsisi)

The Spice Bazaar is the place to get your foodie set up of lokum (Turkish please), dried fruit, nuts, herbs, and, of course, spices.

Much of the money that helped construct it came from the taxes the Ottoman government levied on Egyptian-fabricated products, which is why its proper name in Turkish (Mısır Çarşısı) means "Egyptian Market."

The Spice Bazaar is one of Istanbul's most pop tourist attractions and at certain times of the twenty-four hours gets ridiculously crowded with huge tour groups from the docked cruise ships.

Try to come before 11am or later 4pm to dodge the crowds.

Just next door to the Spice Bazaar's master entrance is the stately Yeni Cami (New Mosque), which was begun in 1615 and finished in 1663 – that's "new" for Istanbul.

It is worthwhile taking a peek within while you're sightseeing in the area, as the interior is richly decorated with tilework and liberal employ of gold leafage.

Address: Yenicami Meydanı, Eminönü

x. Soak Upward the Splendor of Dolmabahçe Palace

Dolmabahçe Palace
Dolmabahçe Palace

The sumptuous and ornate Dolmabahçe Palace shows the clear influence of European decoration and architecture on the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century.

Built by Sultan Abdülmecid I in 1854, it replaced Topkapı Palace as the master residence of the sultans.

Dolmabahçe Palace was also used as an official residence during the founding years of the Turkish Republic, and Atatürk (the founder of mod Turkey) died here in 1938.

The formal gardens are punctuated with fountains, ornamental basins, and blooming bloom beds.

Inside, the interiors blend Rococo, Bizarre, Neoclassical and Ottoman elements with mammoth crystal chandeliers, liberal use of gold, French-style furnishings, and frescoed ceilings to create a dazzling Turkish Renaissance style of sheer splendor and pomp.

Location: Dolmabahçe Caddesi, Besiktas

Official site:

Istanbul - Dolmabahçe Sarayi East Ground Floor - Floor plan map
Istanbul - Dolmabahçe Sarayi East Footing Floor Map (Historical)

xi. See the Frescoes of the Chora Church (Kariye Cami)

Chora Church (Kariye Müzesi)
Chora Church (Kariye Müzesi)

Chora means "country" in Greek, and this cute Church building (originally chosen the Church of St. Saviour of Chora) lay just outside onetime Constantinople'south city walls.

The first Chora Church was probably built here in the 5th century, merely what you meet now is the building'southward 6th reconstruction as information technology was destroyed completely in the ninth century and went through several facelifts from the 11th to 14th centuries.

The church was turned into a mosque later on the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople and became a museum in 1945. In 2020, it reconverted into a working mosque.

The monument is rightly earth-famous for its fabulously vibrant 14th-century mosaics, preserved almost intact in the 2 narthexes and fragmentarily in the nave, and the frescos along the walls and domes.

These incredible examples of Byzantine artistry cover a wide range of themes, from the genealogy of Christ to the New Attestation stories.

Location: Kariye Cami Sokak, Edirnekapı

Kariye Camii - Floor plan map
Kariye Camii Map (Historical)

12. Visit the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts (Türk ve Islam Eserleri Müzesi)

Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts (Türk ve Islam Eserleri Müzesi)
Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts (Türk ve Islam Eserleri Müzesi)

Housed in the palace of Ibrahim Paşa, who was Grand Vizier for Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, this museum is a must-see attraction for anyone interested in Ottoman and Islamic art.

The carpet collection on display hither is vast and is heralded by textile experts as the earth's best.

This is a prime place to come accept a peek at the dazzling array of styles of Turkish carpets (along with carpets from the Caucasus and Iran) beyond the centuries earlier setting out on a shopping mission to purchase your own flooring piece.

There are also exquisite ceramics, calligraphy, and forest carving exhibits ranging in date from the 9th century CE to the 19th century.

Address: At Meydanı Caddesi, Sultanahmet

Official site:

xiii. View the Little Aya Sofya (Küçük Aya Sofya)

Little Aya Sofya (Küçük Aya Sofya)
Little Aya Sofya (Küçük Aya Sofya)

Before Emperor Justinian congenital the Hagia Sofia (Aya Sofya), he had to examination out if the edifice would work structurally, then he built this miniature version first.

Its original proper noun was the Church of Sergius and Bacchus, but the obvious architectural parallels with the Aya Sofya led to its long-held nickname becoming the building'south official championship.

During the Ottoman era, the church was converted into a mosque and information technology withal functions equally a working mosque today.

Although its proportions aren't equally grandiose as others in Istanbul, the building has been beautifully restored and is well worth a visit.

The walk here, down narrow alleyways lined with tall Ottoman era buildings – some lavishly restored and others creaking their way into dilapidation – is a tranquil respite from central Sultanahmet.

Take the fourth dimension to accept a glass of tea in the Little Aya Sofya's peaceful garden to sustain you for farther sightseeing exploits.

Accost: Küçük Aya Sofya Caddesi , Sultanahmet

14. Admire the Tilework of the Rüstem Paşa Mosque

Rüstem Pasa Mosque
Rüstem Pasa Mosque

Perhaps the most perfectly pretty mosque in Istanbul, the Rüstem Paşa Mosque is domicile to the most stunningly preserved Iznik tile panels in the city.

Certain the Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet Mosque) may get all the glory, but it's hither – covering both the exterior courtyard walls and the mosque interior itself – that y'all'll notice the best examples of these gorgeously intricate paw-painted tiles in blues, reds, and greens.

Fifty-fifty better, every bit information technology'southward less known, you're likely to exist able to admire them up close without having to boxing any crowds.

Finding the mosque adds to the fun equally it's squirreled down a skinny lane lined with market stalls and always bustling with life, near the Spice Boutique.

Accost: Hasırcılar Caddesi, Eminönü

15. Walk the Ramparts of Yedikule Fortress (Yedikule Hisarı)

Yedikule Fortress (Yedikule Hisari)
Yedikule Fortress (Yedikule Hisari)

Although it'south a bit of a schlep on the suburban train to leave to Yedikule (Castle of the Seven Towers), this commanding fortress is well worth it.

Congenital in the 5th century by the Emperor Theodosius Two, the fortress fabricated upwards the southern section of Constantinople's defensive walls.

The mammoth curvation (blocked up in the late Byzantine flow) was known as Porta Aurea (Golden Gate), with doors plated in gilt.

When the Ottomans conquered the city, they used the fortress for defense, and later equally a prison and execution place.

Yedikule has been restored in recent years, and you lot can climb upwardly to the height of the battlements for superb views across the Sea of Marmara.

Address: Yedikule Sokak, Yedikule

Istanbul - Yedikule Castle of Seven Towers - Floor plan map
Istanbul - Yedikule Castle of Seven Towers Map (Historical)

sixteen. Climb upwards Galata Tower

Galata Tower
Galata Tower

This tower overlooking the Gold Horn was built by the Genoese in the 14th century. Today it remains one of Istanbul'south most recognizable landmarks.

Standing 52 meters alpine, the tower was Istanbul'southward tallest building for centuries. The belfry has been restored several times over the years due to being damaged by fire and storms.

Today the observation deck at the elevation story, and its restaurant, is one of the best places to visit in Istanbul for taking in the iconic skyline views of the primal former city.

Be enlightened, though, that it's a super pop sight, so come early or be prepared to queue.

Accost: Bereketzade, Beyoğlu

Official site:

17. Cruise the Bosphorus Strait

View of Rumeli Fortress from the Bosphorus
View of Rumeli Fortress from the Bosphorus

For many visitors, a trip to Istanbul isn't consummate without hopping aboard a Bosphorus excursion ferry and cruising the urban center's famed waterway, which connects the Blackness Sea to the Sea of Marmara.

Istanbul'south most iconic views are all from the water, and the Bosphorus circuit ferries are all about sitting back, relaxing, and taking in the scenery.

The most famous ferry bout is the Long Bosphorus Tour, which heads from Eminönü ferry dock daily, all the style up the strait to the village and fortress at Anadolu Kavağı, well-nigh the northern mouth of the strait into the Black Ocean.

Along the ferry cruise in that location are shoreside vistas of defensive fortresses, Ottoman-era palaces and mansions, and the Bosphorus' bridges.

The Long Bosphorus Tour takes two hours one-manner, stops in Anadolu Kavağı for three hours, and and then returns, so y'all demand to set aside a full day of your itinerary if you desire to do it.

In that location is likewise a Curt Bosphorus Tour choice that operates daily two-hour afternoon sailings from spring to fall. This return ferry prowl heads up the Bosphorus as far every bit Rumeli fortress before turning around.

eighteen. Take in the Art at Istanbul Modern

Istanbul Modern
Istanbul Modernistic Hendrik Wieduwilt / photo modified

Proving that Istanbul isn't simply about historic sightseeing, this thoroughly up-to-the-minute art gallery holds an extensive collection of Turkish modern art with an ever-irresolute calendar of exhibitions, hosting both local and international artists throughout the year.

This is past far the best place in boondocks to get your finger on the pulse of Turkey'southward gimmicky art scene.

As well every bit the galleries, the Istanbul Modern has a cinema that hosts a programme of film viewings and a library.

The galleries are being temporarily hosted in a historic Beyoğlu building while they expect for the completion of this art museum's new permanent habitation in Karaköy.

Address: Mesrutiyet Caddesi, No:99, Beyoğlu

19. Visit the Historic Fatih Mosque

Fatih Mosque
Fatih Mosque

The district of Fatih is dwelling house to this important mosque, which sits on the hilltop site of the offset mosque built in the city by Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror, who finally broke through Constantinople'southward walls, ending the Byzantine era.

The original 15th-century mosque was badly damaged by an earthquake and so was replaced with this 1000 and imposing building, replete with multiple domes and minarets, in the 18th century.

Being the site of the first of Istanbul'southward grand purple mosques to exist built, as well as being home to Sultan Mehmet'due south tomb, it's an important historic edifice and a popular pilgrimage site.

Location: Fevzi Pasa Caddesi, Fatih

20. View the Pera Museum'southward Ottoman-Era Fine art

Pera Museum
Pera Museum |Turkey Vision / photo modified

Istanbul'due south most famous fine art gallery is the lovely Pera Museum, which is where fine art-hounds caput to view ane of the finest collections of Ottoman-era art in the earth.

In particular, the museum contains the well-known paintings of Ottoman artist Osman Hamdi Bey. While the collection besides features many other artists who focused their work on the Ottoman world, both local and strange.

As well as the Ottoman art, the Pera holds a renowned collection of Ottoman-era tile and ceramic work and a vast collection of artifacts from the Ottoman menstruum, as well equally pieces from earlier eras.

There'due south too a program of regularly irresolute exhibitions, which focus on both historic and gimmicky art and often feature some of the international art earth's biggest names.

Address: Mesrutiyet Caddesi, Tepebası

Official site:

21. Stroll Istiklal Caddesi and Taksim

Tram on Istiklal Caddesi
Tram on Istiklal Caddesi

Pedestrianized Istiklal Caddesi (Independence Street) is a bustling modern shopping street with a wealth of restaurants and cafés.

The lower end of the street can be reached by taking the earth's oldest secret railway (the Tünel, constructed in 1875) from nearly Galata Span. At that place is likewise a quaintly old-fashioned tramway that runs along its length right upwards to Taksim Square at the top of the loma.

From Taksim Square, busy Cumhuriyet Caddesi is lined with hotels, shops, restaurants, and loftier rises. On the eastward side of the road, simply afterwards the foursquare, is Maçka Park, which is home to the interesting Military Museum.

The area effectually Istiklal Caddesi is abode to many churches and old consulate buildings with ornate facades.

Also nearby is Orhan Pamuk's Museum of Innocence. Pamuk is Turkey'south most famous writer and the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. This conceptual-art museum is based around the theme of his novel The Museum of Innocence and is a rather bizarre, kooky, and wonderfully atmospheric experience.

Address: Istiklal Caddesi

22. Explore the District of Üsküdar

Kiz Kulesi, Maiden's Tower
Kiz Kulesi, Maiden's Belfry

Istanbul's Asian shore is hands reached by ferry from Eminönü dock across the Bosphorus.

On an islet just off the Asiatic shore stands the 30-meter-loftier Kızkulesi (Maiden's Tower).

Üsküdar was traditionally known as Scutari and has some handsome sometime mosques, winding lanes, and weathered brown timber houses (especially between the ferry dock and the big cemetery).

The town, known in antiquity equally Chrysopolis, was 1 of the earliest Greek settlements on the Bosporus.

Information technology was much more exposed to attack past foreign conquerors than Constantinople, with its defensive state of affairs and strong walls, simply it was able to draw economic advantage from its exposed state of affairs – until 1800 it was the terminus of the caravan routes that brought the treasures of the East to Constantinople and onwards to Europe.

Of detail sightseeing involvement hither is the Atik Valide Mosque, which was designed by the famed Ottoman builder Sinan; and the Çinili Mosque, which contains some beautiful Iznik tilework.

Where to Stay in Istanbul for Sightseeing

If you're planning to see Istanbul's top tourist attractions, the easiest place to base yourself is Sultanahmet (Istanbul'due south quondam city commune), which is a short stroll from all the city'south major historical attractions. The Blueish Mosque, Topkapı Palace, and the Hagia Sofia (Aya Sofya) are all within a five-minute walk, and many hotels in the expanse have stellar views of these buildings, likewise every bit out to the Bosphorus from their rooftop terraces. A tram line runs through Sultanahmet, and public ship is plentiful, connecting the commune with other tourist attractions farther afield.

Another popular place to stay is across the Galata Bridge in the Beyoğlu and Taksim districts. These are both lively amusement areas in the center of modern Istanbul. Below are some highly rated hotels in user-friendly locations for sightseeing:

Luxury Hotels:

  • In a century-old Neoclassical Turkish building, the sunny-hued Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul at Sultanahmet is a mere v-minute stroll from the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, and the Hagia Sophia.
  • Decorated in Ottoman mode, the bazaar White House Hotel Istanbul as well lies minutes from these major historical attractions.
  • For those who prefer to stay near all the amusement activity in Taksim, the Grand Hyatt Istanbul is a dandy choice only a few minutes' walk from Taksim Square.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • The elegant Orient Express Hotel is an excellent mid-range option within walking distance of the Sultanahmet historical attractions and Sirkeci train station.
  • Besides in a prime number Sultanahmet location is the Osmanhan Hotel , with beautiful views of the Bosphorus.
  • In the heart of Taksim, the Mercure Istanbul Taksim offers contemporary comfort shut to Taksim Square and Istiklal Street, one of the city'southward most famous walking streets, lined with cafes, boutiques, and bookstores.

Budget Hotels:

  • If you're traveling on a upkeep, the boutique Sultans Royal Hotel offers great value for money in the heart of Sultanahmet and is known for its friendly, helpful staff.
  • The Walnut Shell Hotel is also inside walking distance of all the major monuments that make it a prime Istanbul base, and has rooms brimming with color and graphic symbol.

Tips and Tours: How to Make the Almost of Your Visit to Istanbul

  • Explore the Main Sights: If you have but a solar day or two set aside for sightseeing, take the Istanbul in One Day Sightseeing Bout . This walking tour will ensure you see the most important attractions, including the Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, the Blueish Mosque, and the Grand Bazaar, every bit well as others. This is a minor grouping tour, limited to 14 people, and includes hotel pickup and driblet-off, a traditional lunch, and admission to the sites.
  • Individual Tours: With more time up your sleeve to see the urban center, and the pick to fully customize what to practise and what to see, the private All-time of Istanbul Tour offers one-, two-, or three-solar day Istanbul itineraries with a bout guide.
  • Hop-On Hop-Off Tours: The Istanbul Large Jitney Hop-On Hop-Off Tour uses a traditional motorbus jitney, which stops at the major sites and allows you to bout the urban center at your own pace. It's as well a great way to get familiar with the general layout of the city. Tickets are valid for either 24 or 48 hours.

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Istanbul Map - Tourist Attractions Istanbul Map - Attractions (Historical)

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